Publicerad: 2010/12/15
Nyhet - Uncategorized

Monte Carlo TV Festival – TV series competition

The 51st Monte-Carlo Television Festival will take place from Monday 6th through Friday 10th June 2011 at the Grimaldi Forum, Monaco.

Please click here to view the competition regulations for your reference.

The official deadline to receive entries from Networks/Production companies for the award is Friday 18th February 2011. Any submissions sent directly to us will be forwarded to you in order to finalize the list of nominees.

We kindly ask you to submit your list of nominated series in both the “drama” and “comedy” categories (up to three nominees in each category), by no later than Tuesday 8th March 2011. This list of nominees will be your final choice among the entries sent by us and/or the series designated directly by you.
We would appreciate to receive the contact details of the nominated production companies also.

Submissions should be made on line:

For further information, please contact Lara Isoardo:


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