Publicerad: 2010/03/18
Nyhet - Uncategorized

Young Director Award 2010

The YDA is once again divided into two sections – European and Non-European and this then broken down into five categories:

– Broadcast commercials
– Web films
– Branded short films
– Film school commercials
– Test commercials

You can enter your film online at Young Director Award Official Website for additional information regarding entering films please see the attached document.

For further information concerning the submission please see the webiste or contact the YDA project manager Hannes Jakobsen at
The 2010 YDA is looking to be bigger and better than 2009 with a new website YDA WEBSITE and a brand new blog YDA BLOG PAGE the blog is designed to offer and ongoing support network for young talent across the globe, it can be used by young directors to promote their work, it is also a useful tool in searching for new talent and a brilliant source for industry news. The blog is edited by Lyndy Stout and the interviews offer a brilliant insight into the minds of new directors exploring not just their current work but delving into their inspirations and aspirations as directors.

The blog holds the YDA archives with the winners films going back to 2006, there is also previous artwork for YDA working all the way back to 2000.

The Young Directors Award is now available on most social networking sites and you can become a members of or follow the YDA wherever you are, it’s a great way to keep up to date with important events and any changes to the YDA. YDA on FLICKR YDA on YOUTUBE YDA on FACEBOOK

For any additional information regarding the YDA or if you have any questions about the awards please dont hesitate to contact Hannes Jakobsen the YDA project manager on




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