Publicerad: 2010/06/11
Nyhet - Uncategorized


Nordisk Film & TV Fond will be celebrating its 20th anniversary and 10 years of Nordic Talents in Copenhagen from September 1 – 3, 2010.

To mark this double celebration, film students and professionals from the Nordic region will be invited on Thursday September 2 to a Masterclass from the world established producer Andy Harries (The Queen, Wallander, Prime Suspect) and on Friday 3rd to an anniversary Dinner, Bar and DJ following Nordic Talents awards ceremony.

Joint organisers Hanne Palmquist, head of Nordisk Film & TV Fond, Tina Sørensen from the Danish Film School and their respective team will welcome participants on Wednesday September 1rst at 19:00 at the First Hotel Skt Petri in Copenhagen. The main programme of Nordic Talents will unspool at the Danish Film School on Thursday 2 and Friday 3 where 24 graduation films from the Nordic region, one game and approximately 12 pitches will be introduced to attendees. The projects pitched will be evaluated by a jury of well established Nordic film and TV professionals.


This year’s jury members are Danish Director Thomas Vinterberg (Submarino, The Celebration), Kaisu Isto, Film Commissioner, Finnish Film Foundation, Turid Øversveen, Norwegian Producer at 4½ (Next Door, Reprise), Peter Gustafsson, Commissioning Editor, Drama and Culture at SVT, and Andy Harries, UK Producer and Chief Executive at Left Bank Pictures.

On Thursday evening, as part of the Masterclass, Harries will discuss his collaboration with actress Helen Mirren, writer Peter Morgan and director Stephen Frears on the Academy award-nominated film The Queen and his work with Kenneth Branagh on Wallander, produced with Sweden’s Yellow Bird for the BBC.

Nordic Talents will close on Friday evening with the announcement of the winners of the Pitching Prize for Best Project (NOK250,000) and Special Mention Award (NOK50,000) given out by Nordisk Film & TV Fond as development support.

In ten years, Nordic Talents has proved a valuable platform for film students from the Nordic region to meet many of the key industry players from the Nordic region. Reversely, Nordic producers and financiers have enjoyed the unique opportunity to meet future Nordic talents in a friendly and relaxed atmosphere.

Previous winners at Nordic Talents include Sons by Erik Richter Strand, Run Sister Run by Marja Pyykkö (Finnish release August 13) Carlo’s Casino by Jan Rahbek (currently in pre-production) and Cairo by May el Toukhy.


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