Publicerad: 2015/02/18
Nyhet - TV-sektionen

MIPTV 2015: Focus on the Nordics

We are pleased to announce the ”Focus on the Nordics“ initiative for this spring’s MIPTV market, which is to take place between 13-16 April 2015. The Nordic focus will be shared by Sweden, Finland, Norway and Denmark. The Focus on the Nordics programme will include conferences, branding, a branded press club, advertising and social media campaign, a Nordic pavilion, and a Nordic Night Party.

MIPTV 2015 thus stands to be one of the best and most exciting years to take place as a Nordic broadcaster, production company, or AV professional. A focus on the four countries will allow Sweden to receive better visibility than ever before, and joining together under a brand with Scandinavian countries will open more doors and bring more scale to the focus at the market.

As a member of Film&TV-Producenterna, use the following link for registration. Deadline mars 6:


Nyhet - Göteborgs filmfestival

Medlemserbjudande till TV Drama Vision och Nordic Film Market

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Nyhet - Ekologisk hållbarhet

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Nyhet - Ekologisk hållbarhet

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