Publicerad: 2013/02/22
Nyhet - Uncategorized

Erich Pommer Institut present TRANS ATLANTIC PARTNERS

Erich Pommer Institut (Potsdam/Germany), Strategic Partners (Halifax/Canada) and IFP (New York/USA) proudly present a three-module, intensive training and networking Program for film producers from Europe, Canada and the US.

TAP offers a unique combination of intensive, hands-on training with effective networking among potential partners, and targeted project feedback from resource trainers. The program includes participation at the Atlantic Film Festival’s Strategic Partners, one of the world’s pre-eminent international co-production markets in Halifax, Nova Scotia as well as at IFP’s prestigious Independent Film Week in New York.


When & Where
Module 1: June 18th – 23rd, 2013 in Berlin (Germany)
Module 2: September 10th – 14th, 2013 in Halifax (Canada)
Module 3: September 15th – 19th, 2013 in New York (USA)

Designed for:
• independent producers with more than five years of professional experience in the film and television industry and at least one feature film or TV series produced 
• a maximum of 8 producers from Europe, 8 producers from Canada and 8 producers from the U.S.
• 3 positions also available for producers from outside the US, Canada and the EU
Benefit by:
– Developing specific skills in international co-production/ co-venturing
– Learning from key professionals from both sides of the Atlantic
– Receiving up-to-date information on film funds and tax incentives
– Discovering new international partners and projects
– Accessing top industry players to discuss their projects in 1-2-1 meetings
– Participating in excellent networking opportunities

The application deadline is March 25th, 2013.
Further information and online application form

€ 2.500 (approx. USD 3.000 / CAD 2.950 – current rate)


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