Publicerad: 2012/09/20
Nyhet - Uncategorized

DIGITAL PRODUCTION CHALLENGE 2012 – Application now open!

DIGITAL PRODUCTION CHALLENGE enters its fourth year. The European workshop on digital production workflows, especially designed for 40 producers, line producers, production managers and post production supervisors, will take place in Paris (France) from 15 to 17 November 2012.

Although digital technology is now part of everyday life, a plethora of workflows on one hand and a lack of lasting standards/supports on the other make it more complicated for producers to fulfill the demands of their partners (co-producers and distributors).

DPC enables professionals to get a better grasp of this complex environment, of the tasks division between the partners involved – from the director to the post-production provider – and to acquire that shared language, thus granting them full access to the decision chain and guiding them to best position their productions within the digital workflow.

The workshop is divided into four parts:
– Case-studies of different budget ranges (special focus on low budget films and a “standard” budget around 2 mio EUR) by experienced producers and their post-production providers;
– Presentation of selected participants’ projects (feature or documentary
films) and review by the experts;
– Discussions on key topics such as teamwork, digital distribution and archiving;
– Focus subjects on selected technical aspects.

We are happy to continue the collaboration with our renowned experts Philippe Ros (Director of Photography/Digital Imaging Supervisor, France), Tommaso Vergallo (Digimage Cinéma, France), and Ruedi Schick (Swiss Effects, Switzerland). General moderator of the workshop is Prof. Martin Hagemann (Producer, zero fiction film, Germany).

DIGITAL PRODUCTION CHALLENGE is proposed by FOCAL in co-operation with FICAM, Digimage Cinema, Swiss Effects, Ile de France Film Commission and with support of the MEDIA Programme of the European Union.

Registration is now open until 25 September 2012 at

Participation fee: 450 Euro, including 2,5 day full board accommodation (excluding travel). Some scholarships are available.
Date: 15 to 17 November 2012 in Paris (France)

Further details on our website:


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