Publicerad: 2014/04/11
Nyhet - Uncategorized

Call for projects, Nordic Co-Production Market in Haugesund

New Nordic Films Co-Production and Finance Market takes place in within the Norwegian International Film Festival in Haugesund, Norway 20 – 21 August.

We are now open for project submissions. So if you are in the process of financing a feature film, and are looking for co-producer and/or financing we will invite you to submit your project.

The two-day event is aimed at producers, national and regional film funds and sales agents. The aim of our Co-Production and Finance Market is to support the producers with film projects with ties to the Nordic countries by creating a meeting place between producers, sales agents and film funds. The selected film projects will be described in our catalogue, and will be presented in Haugesund in a 7 minutes pitch by the producer and/or director. We offer free accreditation and two nights at hotel for each of the selected projects.

This year we will host the annual Cine-Regio meeting which means we will have a many representatives from the different European regional funds present in Haugesund.

Link to our submission form

Information about Nordic Co-Production & Finance Forum

Deadline: 1 June 2014


Nyhet - Ekologisk hållbarhet

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