Publicerad: 2010/11/4
Nyhet - Uncategorized


From 1 January 2011, the following changes have been
introduced in the Eurimages Regulations for Co-Production

Confirmed financing

Evidence proving that at least 50% of the financing is confirmed in each territory of the co-production must imperatively be provided at the latest by the date of the submission of the project (see Articles 2.1.2 and 1.9.2). Failure to comply with this provision will entail the automatic exclusion of the project from the selection process. Please consult this document for further clarifications on how to confirm financing.


In the event of unavoidable and duly justified reasons, the Executive Director may agree to up to half of the total shooting taking place before the Board of Management’s examination of the project (see Article 1.7.2). It is essential that a written request (along with the shooting schedule) be sent to the Executive Director prior to the deadline set for the relevant call for projects.

Digital copy

Projects must include a digital master copy for cinema release (min. 2K compatible with DCI specifications or ISO norms on D-Cinema); thus, the production budget must include the relevant costs necessary for the completion of a digital master copy (see Articles 1.1.6 and 1.9.4). Besides the costs for a digital master, producers can, if they so wish, include costs for a 35mm copy.


Projects submitted but withdrawn before the Board of Management meeting can be resubmitted only once (see Article 2.4.1).




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